Friends and Family, I am sorry it has taken me so long to write. Since I left home, just under 2 weeks ago, my life has been a whirlwind. One filled with emotions, meeting people, settling in, learning to live in the present, and so much more. I wish so badly that each of you could be here with me, to understand and to see this country that I fell in love with years ago. That being said, I arrived here in India just about 24 hours after leaving Albany. It was the middle of the night, and I was able to meet 2 of my new roommates, a couple staff, and be brought to my new home for the year.
As soon as I walked into the apartment, the sudden onslaught of emotions was overwhelming, I started to realize how long I would be staying and how much I would miss home. I felt overwhelmed like I could barely make it to the next morning, let alone 11 months. Thankfully, I had internet and was able to reach home and talk to my dad and kaity, as I did several times over the next couple of days to talk through some of what I was feeling. Other than emotions, and a mishap with luggage (that was fixed pretty quickly) everything else continued to fall into place. I slept that first weekend, a lot, but also got to meet the other interns and fellows, eat papa john's (haha), and go to church.
On Sunday I decided that I should put away my clothes and begin to make my room feel like my home, and safe haven, that simple act started my transition into feeling settled. I started work on Monday, meeting some of the nicest and sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. The peace I began to feel knowing that God has prepared this path for me, was beyond anything I had ever imagined. It seems crazy that the first 4 days were full of tears and to see how quickly that has changed, how life has already started to become a routine. A routine filled with morning Skype calls home, lunch with the fellows and interns, nights of relaxing, and a weekend of exploring. I have tried new things both food and adventure. I rode on the back of the scooter to work one day, and navigated myself home in an auto. This weekend I spent a whole day out and about, navigating myself around, with some fails, but an overall victory. I went shopping for kurta's, ordered food in, went to church, had lunch with some friends, went to a local market, and had some yummy ice cream. Oh I also got laughed at when I asked the store owner where the toilet paper was, and as the store owner laughed I pictured them thinking 'typical americans'. Life has become good here. I am not saying it's perfect, or that I don't miss home fiercely, nor do i live in denial of the fact that somedays will be harder than others. I am certain this is typical to a honey moon phase, and at some point fighting with auto drivers won't be as fun and exhilarating but rather just an obstacle to get somewhere. Truly though I am so thankful that I am beginning to feel a sense of 'home' here.
I want to say thank you to each one of you who has been praying for me, with out you I would not have made it this far. It is with your support and love that I am able to take each new day as it comes. Please continue to pray that God would work within me to enjoy the present, to not worry about tomorrow or the next month or next year. I want to fully enjoy this experience and to take everything I can out of it. I want to remember names and faces and I can only do that, when I am present in the moment. I pray all of you are well, and I look forward to seeing what God is doing in your life this year as well!