Sunday, October 12, 2014

Remember When...

....I wrote one of my first blog posts while being away? I believe it was like 3 maybe 4 weeks in, when I realized God had so intentionally moved me here and placed me here to change me, to lead me, to teach me so much more than I ever could have imagined. Now, here I sit towards the end of my time in India (at least for now), and have way too much time to reflect on this year, and the future. I have always been an over thinker and that really hasn't changed this year, but a lot of other things have. I have found that my worth comes from one place and that is from God. I have learned that no matter how many times I stumble or forget or intentionally don't do what God is directing, He is still pursuing me. I have found that away from all the things that I thought defined me, I am still similar but at the same time vastly different. I have seen the way that my extroverted side exhausts me and has made my introverted tendencies to become glaringly obvious, and me time has become essential. I have noticed that when my life seems to be unbalanced, I seem to be over emotional and worried it's in direct correlation to where I am in allowing time for God daily. I have seen friendships grow, which make the idea of leaving painful. I have learned that I could see myself living abroad again, and that what I once thought was impossible is actually some days quite comfortable. I have learned, seen, realized, and been taught so much. Some of the things I have learned or continue to learn, I don't know that I will see it's fruit for a while. I know that this year has changed me. Maybe not to the eye, maybe not even upon a quick conversation, no the change this year is so deeply rooted it stems from my core. I pray that these things will continue to take shape, will continue to grow, and that I will continue to see the change that God has intended for me. He told me in the beginning of the year, that none of the things that I did at home before I left were bad, that none of my relationships were bad, that what defined was bad, but rather God told me that being rooted in Him would make it all even better. Please pray for me friends, as I see these changes take shape, as I take time to reflect on this year, as I prepare for the future, that in the in that all that God has in store for me would come to fruition.