Saturday, August 30, 2014

That Time I Got My PHD.

I think it's evident, but let me just reiterate, I absolutely love my team. Don't get me wrong, the entire office is full of amazing people, but being able to see my teammates work up close, watching them be the rockstars that they truly are, I feel blessed to be working with them. Yesterday the office, as a whole, took the time to also recognize how great they think our team is as well. (Don't worry, they're working through the whole office, yesterday was aftercares day) It was such a sweet time, where those who work with the clients for two years post rescue and offer rehabilitation that ends with a graduation, were offered a graduation of their own. The admin team did an amazing job, picking words that accurately describe my teammates, having coworkers read words about their love, compassion, dedication, and the list goes on and on. It's tough some days, and the rehabilitation process is a long road, but I was so happy to watch as my teammates were honored and recognized as the amazing people that they are.

So when did I get a PHD? Well, that was what the aftercare team was given during graduation were honorary PHD's from IJM, and even the interns and fellows were not left out. Now, I have sat through my fair share of graduations, have worked hard and spent long hours striving for that piece of paper, have loved meeting and making friendships and relationships along the way, but nothing compares to the graduation I was a part of yesterday. It was one of the sweetest times in my life, and will long be held as one of my favorite moments of my life. I was given the PHD of personality, offering the team time to laugh, but also recognized for the work I contribute. I will probably never get a real life PHD, and I have already forgotten the speeches given at all of my real school graduations, but yesterdays ceremony was one I will never forget. From the paper hats, to the diplomas, the advocate robes, and the silly speeches, love was shown throughout.

I was so honored to be sitting up in front amongst the people who aren't only my team but who have also become my family. I love being able to pray and stand together in the depths but I also love celebrating in the triumphs. I love walking in knowing that if something is weighing on my heart, I have a support system. I love watching my team in action when a kid or family is in need, they jump through hoops and help with such humble hearts. They each deserved the 'PHD' that they received, in my eyes they deserve the world. Through out life, I have often felt out of place or as though I don't belong, but here I have never felt that. They have opened their arms wide and accepted me and welcomed me as one of them. They have taken a chance on letting a girl, who although has some education, is also kind of a crazy pants be a part of their team. I feel truly blessed to have received my 'PHD' with these lovely lifelong friends sitting next to me.

Here are some pictures, I will upload more on Facebook so check them out!

1 comment:

  1. IJM sure knows you, 100% personality! What a sweet post.
